Do not you earn money from your own web site and blog? If you're getting tired of Google Adsense, you're dependent on Advertiser Propeller ads media.There is no need to wait as Google adsense to get the approval of the propelleads.
Go to propeller ads website and click Register butten. You can sign up for the next page.You can complete your registration information by email, phone number, and your blog's information. You can complete the registration by clicking on the link that appears in the next email.Once the Registration is complete, enter the Publisher login in the propeller Site login option.After login, you will reach the website's dashboard. You will find information, such as impression, earnings etc.
Now your blog must verifiy. To do so, click on the Sites option and enter the URL of your blogg.Once the URL has entered you will receive a link to copy and paste it into your blogg deseription or HTML. Once you have saved it, click on the verify option on the propeller site and you will move to the status of a propeller account approved.When verifying this domain, you can decide what type of advertisement should be appearing in our blog. popunder,Pop up, Banners and many more options available in various resolutions.Let's see how the ads can be displayed in the blog.Click the getcode option that appears to the verified blogg name. Then copy the link and edit your post's HTML and paste it. Banner can be displayed in blogg using the add gadget.
Increases the number of visitors to your blogg so that you can find more revenue.
Do not you earn money from your own web site and blog? If you're getting tired of Google Adsense, you're dependent on Advertiser Propeller ads media.There is no need to wait as Google adsense to get the approval of the propelleads.
Go to propeller ads website and click Register butten. You can sign up for the next page.You can complete your registration information by email, phone number, and your blog's information. You can complete the registration by clicking on the link that appears in the next email.Once the Registration is complete, enter the Publisher login in the propeller Site login option.After login, you will reach the website's dashboard. You will find information, such as impression, earnings etc.
Now your blog must verifiy. To do so, click on the Sites option and enter the URL of your blogg.Once the URL has entered you will receive a link to copy and paste it into your blogg deseription or HTML. Once you have saved it, click on the verify option on the propeller site and you will move to the status of a propeller account approved.When verifying this domain, you can decide what type of advertisement should be appearing in our blog. popunder,Pop up, Banners and many more options available in various resolutions.Let's see how the ads can be displayed in the blog.Click the getcode option that appears to the verified blogg name. Then copy the link and edit your post's HTML and paste it. Banner can be displayed in blogg using the add gadget.
Now your blog must verifiy. To do so, click on the Sites option and enter the URL of your blogg.Once the URL has entered you will receive a link to copy and paste it into your blogg deseription or HTML. Once you have saved it, click on the verify option on the propeller site and you will move to the status of a propeller account approved.When verifying this domain, you can decide what type of advertisement should be appearing in our blog. popunder,Pop up, Banners and many more options available in various resolutions.Let's see how the ads can be displayed in the blog.Click the getcode option that appears to the verified blogg name. Then copy the link and edit your post's HTML and paste it. Banner can be displayed in blogg using the add gadget.
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